A smile lights up your face and they are contagious too!!
There is a very easy set of rules which leads to a smile in fact;
• Keep your teeth clean so practice good hygiene. ;) lolz!
• Think happy thoughts.
• Get comfortable with smiling - this one is for those who get nervous while smiling..
• Smile with your eyes-to a warm and genuine smile, eyes are more essential than mouth ;-)
• And always remember, You don't need perfect teeth to have a perfect smile..so be confident!! ;-)
Smile is indeed the path to happiness and “Happiness” is a term which is very difficult to delineate and put into a few words, but it is in essence that state of mind where we are at peace with ourselves.
I know you might say this article came to an abrupt end! But it is Saturday night and I am too sleepy..
So I call it a night here friends!! ..
Call it grin, call it smirk, call it beam or call it smile .. JUST DO IT!
So keep smiling everyone and be happy always ;-)
Un bébé est l'avis de Dieu que la vie doit continuer.