Saturday, February 27, 2010

A SMILE can bring you near to me ..

“Smile is a curve that sets everything straight”, “Smile is the best thing you can do with your lips”, “Keep Smiling always”, “Smile is the 'Art of Happiness'” and so on.. are we not hearing these quotes since our closest friends were our beloved slam books!! Without a doubt a smile can make miracles come about, smile at a colleague you had a disagreement with and watch her expression, first she will wear a puzzled look for a few seconds and then as she realizes that you are watching, it will transform into a pleasant warm grin, isn’t that wonderful? Of course it is. Even better, try smiling at someone you see at work every day but never say a ‘hi’ to, that person will instantaneously smile back or may even say a nice “good morning”!! Isn’t that amazing?

A smile lights up your face and they are contagious too!!

There is a very easy set of rules which leads to a smile in fact;

• Keep your teeth clean so practice good hygiene. ;) lolz!
• Think happy thoughts.
• Get comfortable with smiling - this one is for those who get nervous while smiling..
• Smile with your eyes-to a warm and genuine smile, eyes are more essential than mouth ;-)
• And always remember, You don't need perfect teeth to have a perfect be confident!! ;-)

Smile is indeed the path to happiness and “Happiness” is a term which is very difficult to delineate and put into a few words, but it is in essence that state of mind where we are at peace with ourselves.

I know you might say this article came to an abrupt end! But it is Saturday night and I am too sleepy..

So I call it a night here friends!! ..

Call it grin, call it smirk, call it beam or call it smile .. JUST DO IT!

So keep smiling everyone and be happy always ;-)

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